Quantum Meets Energy Part One: Revolutionising Australia’s Energy Landscape
Quantum technologies (QTs) are specialised and advanced technologies that enable highly complex sensing, modelling, simulations and calculations. QTs are poised to revolutionise the Australian energy sector (and broader society) by enhancing energy infrastructure, optimising grid efficiencies and reducing development and operational costs. But will the application of QTs come to fruition?
In this article, the first in a two-part series, we:
- summarise what QTs are;
- delve into the constraints on QT adoption across the Australian New Energy landscape; and
- discuss recent sector announcements that demonstrate strong political and industry appetite for Australia to develop and adopt QTs.
Quantum Technologies: What are they?
Advancements in quantum mechanics have made QTs possible. QTs are classified into three fields: quantum computers, quantum communication and quantum sensors.1 QTs enable researchers and users to sense, isolate and manipulate subatomic particles known as “qubits”.2 Quantum computers, for example, take advantage of the way qubits can be controlled to solve highly complex computational issues.3 In doing so, quantum computers have unlocked previously unattainable computing capabilities.4
Similarly, quantum sensors and quantum communication provide significantly more powerful sensing and communication capabilities than otherwise exist.5 Because of this, QTs have the potential to manage currently unmanageable challenges in healthcare, national security and energy (among other fields).6 As societal and global challenges increase in complexity, more sophisticated methods of analysis and problem solving will be required. QTs are poised to address these challenges by advancing technologies and enabling analysis and problem solving that is not currently available.
However, developing and adopting QTs will be challenging. We explore some of the challenges below, as well as recent industry updates.
Quantum Challenges
Access to Quantum Technologies
QTs are not easily accessible to the public and those which are available are costly and difficult to integrate with existing resources. Widespread uptake of QTs has therefore been limited. Quantum computers, for example, are largely owned and operated by large corporations, academic institutions and governments because they are highly sophisticated and expensive.7 Further, although quantum computing technology has advanced since the first quantum computer was created in the 1990s,8 it is still costly and difficult to manufacture. Additionally, contemporary technology cannot be easily ported with quantum computing infrastructure.9 These factors have limited the accessibility of the technology to specific organisations, typically those with large financial resources and highly skilled labour.
Ethical and Legal Hesitation
Ethical and legal issues and the broader societal implications of artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT have recently gained attention. Noting this, Australia’s Chief Scientist has suggested that Australia “should not presume an enthusiastic embrace of quantum technologies; we must build a social licence [to operate quantum technologies]”.10 Responsible terms of development and use of QTs will need to be defined and implemented so that proponents of QTs have the social licence to operate these technologies.11
Government support for Quantum Technology and New Energy
Given the challenges, a highly specialised workforce is needed to develop Australia’s QT industry in a responsible manner. Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, estimates Australia’s QT industry will support 19,000 new jobs and generate $6 billion in annual revenue by 2045.12 In support of these trends, the Federal Government recently announced the Critical Technologies Challenge Program, a $36 million program to capture the power and potential of QTs. The Critical Technologies Challenge Program will support four “nationally significant challenges”, including “optimise the performance, sustainability, and security of energy networks to help with the transition to net zero”.13
The Federal Government also recently awarded $18.4 million to the University of Sydney to establish “Quantum Australia” to grow Australia’s quantum industry and ecosystem.14 Quantum Australia will:15
- support the development and uptake of QTs and foster research to drive innovation;
- develop industry, research and government connections nationally and internationally;
- increase awareness and education of the implications and opportunities of QTs; and
- support responsible and inclusive development of QTs in Australia.
These initiatives indicate the Australian government recognises QTs will play a pivotal role in shaping Australia’s future economy and society. In particular, there is a focus on using QTs to assist Australia in meeting its decarbonisation goals and improving energy networks.
Although the wide-spread use of QT may seem a distant reality, the applications of QTs will be profound. Industry participants have a unique opportunity to capitalise on technology with the potential to transform the New Energy sector.
Stay tuned for part two of this series, in which we explore the potential applications of QTs and the impacts QTs could have on Australian energy in more detail.
For more information, please contact Matt Baumgurtel, Adriaan van der Merwe and William Ryan.
1Georgia Edmonstone, ‘Quantum technology: What’s in it for Australia’, (Web Page, 23 October 2023) <https://www.ussc.edu.au/quantum-technology-what-is-in-it-for-australia>.
2CSIRO, ‘Quantum’, (Web Page) <https://www.csiro.au/en/research/technology-space/quantum-technology>.
7James Daragan, ‘What is the Price of a Quantum Computer in 2024?’, (Web Page, 10 April 2023) <https://thequantuminsider.com/2023/04/10/price-of-a-quantum-computer/>.
8William Holton, ‘Quantum Computer’, (Web Page, 21 June 2024) <https://www.britannica.com/technology/quantum-computer>.
9Obafemi Olatunji, Paul Adedeji and Nkosinathi Madushele, ‘Quantum computing in renewable energy exploration: status, opportunities, and challenges’ in Ahmad Taher Azar and Nashwa Ahmad Kamal (eds), Design, Analysis and Applications of Renewable Energy Systems (Academic Press, 2021) 549, 565.
10Dr Cathy Foley, ‘Australia’s expertise and offering in quantum’ (Speech, Commercialising Quantum Global 2023 Conference, 18 May 2023) 3 <https://www.chiefscientist.gov.au/news-and-media/australias-expertise-and-offering-quantum>.
12Swinburne University of Technology, ‘What is Quantum Technology’ (Web Page, 22 December 2022) <https://www.swinburne.edu.au/news/2022/12/what-is-quantum-technology/>.
13The Hon Ed Husic MP, ‘Solving national challenges using quantum technologies’ (Press Release, Ministry for Industry and Science, 22 May 2024) <https://www.minister.industry.gov.au/ministers/husic/media-releases/solving-national-challenges-using-quantum-technologies>.
14The Hon Ed Husic MP, ‘Albanese Government delivers $18.4 million national centre to grow quantum industry’ (Press Release, Ministry for Industry and Science, 27 April 2024) <https://www.minister.industry.gov.au/ministers/husic/media-releases/albanese-government-delivers-184-million-national-centre-grow-quantum-industry>.