Jamie Blair
Tina Kameas
Jennifer Dabire
Alana Long
Tom Rinder
Executive Director
Ellie Zervos
Anne Pan
Kylie Zih

Nicola Irwin Faulks

Senior Associate

Nicola is a lawyer in the Workplace, Employment & Safety team and has experience providing strategic, practical, and commercially-focused advice on a wide range of issues in the workplace.

With a background in psychology and passion for mental health and wellbeing, Nicola’s full perspective of employment and work health safety benefits clients where issues arise in the intersection of these areas.

Prior to joining Hamilton Locke, Nicola worked in the Health Safety & Environment team at Clyde & Co and as a registrar at the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Nicola also gained experience in projects for the NSW Department of Communities & Justice and policy for the NSW Department of Education.


Employment & Workplace Relations; Work Health & Safety; Commercial Disputes & Litigation; Environment Protection Regulation

  • Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) – Macquarie University
  • Graduate Diploma of Government – UNE Partnerships


  • Acting in work health and safety prosecutions and workplace disputes before courts, commissions and tribunals.
  • Representing and advising on regulatory investigations (workplace safety and environment protection matters) and also in conducting workplace investigations with particular focus on psychosocial incidents and workplace culture.
  • Advising on safety and risk management in the workplace, including managing mental health in the workplace.
  • Advising on disciplinary processes & investigations, termination disputes, and bullying, harassment & discrimination complaints.
  • Reviewing and advising on employment contracts, separation agreements, enterprise agreements and industrial awards.


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