A Guide to Discretionary Mutuals

Introducing our new publication: A Guide to Discretionary Mutuals.

Increasingly, discretionary mutuals are being used for ‘hard to place’ risks or uninsurable risks, or to mitigate against rising premiums and improve buying power for risk and insurance programs.

Our Guide takes you through what a discretionary mutual is, how discretionary risk products are structured and how they are regulated, including the benefits of using them as an alternative to traditional insurance. Discretionary mutuals offer an effective risk transfer vehicle for groups of businesses, customers, individuals or non-profit/community groups with similar risk management and insurance needs. 

Hamilton Locke’s Financial Services team are experts in advising on and designing these alternative risk transfer solutions. We also work closely with actuaries, mutual managers and brokers to establish them by handling the legal, commercial and regulatory elements.


Partner, Head of Funds and Financial Services

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