Hamilton Locke Partner, Nicholas Edwards Speaks with Lawyers Weekly about Insolvency Activity in 2023

Lawyers Weekly has recently featured an interview with Hamilton Locke partner, Nicholas Edwards, Head of the Restructuring and Insolvency Practice, in which he discusses insolvency trends that occurred in 2022 and projections for the coming year.

Nicholas breaks down the drivers for the increase in formal insolvency appointments at the end of last year. Nicholas also identifies particular sectors which saw well publicised increases in formal appointments, and the potential of a contagion effect.

Nicholas offers lessons that companies and their advisors should take into 2023, given the likely increase in distressed activity due to ongoing financial uncertainty, increased interest rates, global issues and more discerning investors in the non-bank debt and private equity space.

Click here to read the full article.


Partner, Head of Restructuring & Insolvency