Hamilton Locke Advises Longreach Credit Investors on Senior Debt Facility to InTouch Data

Hamilton Locke acted for Longreach Credit Investors on a senior debt facility provided to InTouch Data, a SaaS business of Continua Capital and an industry leader and full-function solution to managing and monetising hotel guest data for individual properties, hotel chains and industry vendors around the globe.

The successful financing of InTouch Data by Longreach Credit Investors was arranged by Fulcra Financial.

Commenting on the transaction, Zina Edwards said: “We are delighted to have assisted Longreach Credit Investors on its investment into InTouch Data. All parties worked collaboratively and achieved a successful financial close in a short timeframe. We look forward to following InTouch Data’s progress as the tourism industry rebounds post COVID-19.”

The Hamilton Locke team was led by partner Zina Edwards, senior associate Monty Loughlin and lawyer Calvin Mai.

For more information, please contact Zina Edwards.



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