Hamilton Locke Acts for MA Growth Ventures on its Growth Capital Facility to Splend

Hamilton Locke is delighted to have acted for MA Financial Group’s growth capital team, MA Growth Ventures, on its asset-backed growth capital facility into Splend –  a market leader of car rental and finance packages to rideshare drivers. The facility will be used by Splend to fast-track its transition to green mobility via the expansion of its electric vehicle fleet.

The replacement of combustion engines with electric and hybrid vehicles is strategically important for Splend. It means a continued reduction in its carbon footprint and enables its members to gain access to an increasing range of options that have zero tailpipe emissions.

Commenting on the transaction, Hamilton Locke Partner, Zina Edwards said: “We are delighted to assist MA Growth Ventures on its facility to Splend. It is fantastic to see the collaboration of all parties across different jurisdictions working towards a successful financial close. We look forward to supporting MA Growth Ventures in future transactions and are excited to see the continued growth of Splend and the ongoing development of its green mobility initiatives.

The team at Hamilton Locke was led by Partner Zina Edwards and included Senior Associate Monty Loughlin and Lawyer Calvin Mai.


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