Australia’s Green Financing Market: Financing Empowerment or Facilitating Greenwashing?

In the rapidly evolving world of sustainable finance, Australia’s green financing market has the potential to drive the nation towards a more sustainable future. However, a critical question emerges – is this burgeoning sector genuinely empowering environmentally friendly initiatives, or is it merely presenting a superficial image of sustainability? There is a delicate balance between genuine green financing that empowers individuals and communities and the potential pitfalls of greenwashing.

“Green” Finance

Green financing, also known as sustainable or environmental finance, is a broad term that encompasses a variety of financial activities designed to support and promote the development of a sustainable, low-carbon, and climate-resilient economy. It involves directing financial investments towards projects, products, and companies that contribute to environmental sustainability.

However, the scope of green financing extends beyond the environmental aspect, touching on social and governance factors as well. This includes ensuring that projects and companies adhere to fair labour practices, promote social equity, and contribute to the overall well-being of communities. This aspect of green financing aligns with the broader concept of social responsibility in business, which emphasizes the need for companies to operate in a manner that benefits society.

Examples of green financing include green or sustainability-linked bonds or loans, sustainable funds and impact investing. The effectiveness of these financial instruments in achieving their intended benefits often depends on clear and transparent criteria for what counts as “green” or “sustainable”, robust reporting standards, and effective oversight and enforcement mechanisms.


Green financing can empower in a number of ways:

  • Economic Empowerment: Green financing has the potential to stimulate economic growth by generating employment opportunities in industries such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and green construction. This can result in increased income levels and improved living standards for both individuals and communities. For instance, the Australian government’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has invested in various renewable energy projects, such as wind farms and solar power plants, which have created thousands of job opportunities and contributed to the economic development of local communities.
  • Environmental Protection: By investing in projects that promote environmental sustainability, green financing plays a crucial role in protecting and restoring ecosystems. This, in turn, leads to improved health outcomes for communities and nations, as well as the preservation of biodiversity. An example of this is the Australian government’s proposal to commit over $3.2 billion of the budget to the Reef Trust, being the government’s flagship investment program to protect and ensure the long-term, sustainable management of the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Social Equity: Green financing initiatives often prioritise social equity, ensuring that the benefits of sustainable development are spread widely and reach marginalized and under-resourced communities. This focus helps reduce inequality and promote social cohesion. For instance, the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation is driving transformative changes within communities by advocating for carbon farming. Their primary objective is to foster economic prosperity for both Indigenous landowners and non-Indigenous carbon farmers.
  • Resilience Building: Green finance investments in climate-resilient infrastructure and adaptation measures enhance communities’ and nations’ ability to withstand the impacts of climate change. This reduces vulnerability to climate related disasters and ensures the continuity of essential services. In Australia, the CEFC has invested in projects like battery storage systems and microgrids, which enhance the resilience of remote communities by providing reliable and sustainable energy sources, even during extreme weather events.
  • Policy and Governance: Green financing can also influence policy and governance by encouraging governments to implement sustainable policies and practices. This leads to improved environmental regulation, increased transparency, and better management of natural resources. This can be seen via the National Waste Policy Action Plan, which was implemented in 2019 to promote more efficient and sustainable waste management practices by state and territory governments, as well as local governments, businesses and industries. As part of this action plan, among other commitments, the Australian government proposed to ban the export of waste plastic, paper, glass and tyres.

Greenwashing Risks

While green financing has the potential to bring about significant positive change, it’s important to consider the risks associated with greenwashing.

Greenwashing refers to the deceptive or misleading practice of presenting a company, product, or initiative as environmentally friendly, sustainable, or socially responsible when it may not be the case. It involves making exaggerated or false claims about the sustainability benefits or impact of a product or service, often with the intention of boosting the company’s reputation and sales. In the context of green financing, this could involve funds being directed towards projects that are not genuinely sustainable or companies misrepresenting their environmental impact to attract investment.

Green financing, while intended to support environmentally friendly and sustainable projects, can inadvertently facilitate greenwashing.

Investors, driven by the desire to be part of the green movement, may not conduct thorough due diligence before investing in a project. For instance, an investor might be swayed by a company’s marketing efforts that highlight a single green project, without looking into the company’s overall environmental footprint. This can allow companies with less-than-green practices to receive green financing. Even when a project is genuinely environmentally or socially friendly, there is a risk that the funds received through green financing could be used for other, less sustainable activities within the company. As a result, the company appears more sustainable than it truly is due to the presence of a few green projects.

Some green financing focuses on the potential future benefits of a project, rather than its current environmental impact. This can allow companies to receive green financing for projects that promise long-term sustainability but are currently harmful to the environment. In addition, without regular and transparent reporting of a project’s environmental impact, it is difficult for investors to verify whether their funds are being used in a truly sustainable way. This lack of transparency can facilitate greenwashing as it allows companies to portray themselves as more environmentally friendly than they might actually be.

Addressing greenwashing risks

There are several mechanisms and policies in place which help mitigate the risks of greenwashing in the context of green financing (and more broadly).

Both main regulators in Australian (the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)) have made it clear that greenwashing is a key focus, and that there is a mandate to bring enforcement against greenwashing. ASIC and the ACCC have been increasingly vigilant in monitoring green claims made by companies, including those seeking to attract investment through green financing, and infringement notices and fines have been issued in a number of cases. In February 2023, ASIC commenced its first prosecution in relation to alleged greenwashing (against Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Ltd). ASIC has followed this with actions against Vanguard Investments Australia (in July 2023) and Active Super (in August 2023).

Both ASIC and the ACCC have issued regulatory guidance that outline steps companies can take to minimise the risks of greenwashing and they have been proactive in investigating and taking action against companies that make misleading green claims, reinforcing the importance of transparency and honesty in the green financing sector and elsewhere. These efforts, along with other regulatory measures, are crucial in maintaining the integrity of the green financing market and ensuring that it truly contributes to a sustainable future.

There has also been a focus on the development of green financing taxonomies. These taxonomies provide a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities, helping investors, companies, and policymakers to navigate the green finance market. They set out clear criteria for what can be considered an environmentally sustainable investment, thereby reducing ambiguity and the potential for greenwashing. For instance, the European Union has developed a detailed taxonomy for sustainable activities, which serves as a guide for determining whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable. It includes thresholds for various sectors and activities, such as energy, transport, and agriculture, and covers key environmental objectives like climate change mitigation and adaptation, water protection, and biodiversity conservation. Australia is currently working to develop its own taxonomy. The development of such taxonomies is an ongoing process, with efforts being made to refine and expand them to cover more sectors and environmental objectives. These taxonomies are not only instrumental in guiding green investments but also in shaping regulatory and policy decisions related to green finance.

Climate-related finance reporting is another essential aspect of sustainable finance, providing transparency and accountability in the financial sector’s response to climate change. It involves companies disclosing their financial risks and opportunities related to climate change, as well as their strategies for managing these risks and capitalising on opportunities. This type of reporting is guided by frameworks such as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which provides recommendations for consistent, comparable, and reliable disclosure of climate-related financial information. These disclosures not only help companies to manage their climate-related risks and opportunities better, but they also provide investors with the information they need to make informed decisions, contributing to more resilient and efficient markets.

In January 2024 (after a period of industry consultation), the Australian government released an exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2024: Climate related financial disclosure which proposes to introduce mandatory climate-related financial disclosures from the 2024/25 financial year. The new laws will, if enacted, require companies and other disclosing entities to prepare an annual sustainability report outlining various environmental matters, including climate-related financial risks and opportunities and scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions. These requirements will be introduced in a phased approach over a number of years.

While green financing is a crucial tool for promoting sustainability, it’s important for investors and financiers to be vigilant and for companies to be transparent to ensure that these funds are used effectively and don’t contribute to greenwashing. Increasing efforts are being made to make it easier for investors and companies alike to meet these obligations – including the proposed mandatory reporting requirements alongside existing regulatory frameworks enforced by ASIC and ACCC. As these practices continue to be implemented, it is hopeful that green finance can become truly “green”.


Partner, Head of Energy
