New Energy Bulletin: Draft report released detailing amendments to Inertia Requirements Methodology

On 25 September 2024, AEMO released its draft determination and draft methodology on amendments to the Inertia Requirements Methodology (Draft Inertia Requirements Methodology) which are expected to take effect from 1 December 2024.1 The Inertia Requirements Methodology is the process AEMO uses to determine the inertia requirements of each region of the National Electricity Market (NEM) […]

New Energy Bulletin: Sustainable Aviation Fuel Funding Takes Off

On 27 September 2024, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water (DCCEEW),1 and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA),2 announced funding in relation to a $600 million project in Townsville Queensland which will convert bioethanol from domestic agricultural by-products into both sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and diesel (the Project).3 ARENA provided $9 […]

New Energy Bulletin: AEMC seeks feedback on proposed changes to AEMO’s cyber security roles and responsibilities

On 26 September 2024, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) released a draft determination and draft rule (Draft Rule) to amend the National Electricity Rules (NER). The Draft Rule aims to confirm and clarify the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) role and responsibility in managing cyber security risks affecting the National Electricity Market (NEM). Outline […]

Can Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles compete with Electric Vehicles in the Light Passenger Vehicle Market?

Transportation is the second largest source of global CO2 emissions (after energy generation), and in 2022 produced almost 8 gigatonnes of CO2.1 Transport sector emissions are predominantly attributable to road transport vehicles, which produced 5.87 gigatonnes of CO2 in 2022.2 Accordingly, investment in green road transport vehicles – particularly light passenger vehicles – represents an […]

Pressing GO! on Clean Energy Certification: Understanding the Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin) Bill 2024

The Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin) Bill 2024 (GO Bill) marks a pivotal step in Australia’s clean energy transition, establishing a framework to track and verify low-emissions products and creating an enduring certification mechanism for renewable electricity.1 The landmark Bill was introduced into Parliament on 12 September 2024 by the Department of Climate […]

Industrial Manslaughter Offences Now Passed in all Australian States and Territories

Key Takeaways: Industrial Manslaughter offences have now been passed in all Australian States and Territories. The stakes for officers and businesses in breaching safety laws have risen substantially in light of these reforms. Maximum penalties include up to life imprisonment for individuals and $20,000,000 for a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU).   There is no consistency in Industrial […]

New Energy Bulletin: Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy; Australia and Germany sign Joint Declaration of Intent to negotiate

On 13 September 2024, the Australian Government released its 2024 National Hydrogen Strategy (the Strategy).1 The Strategy’s vision is for a clean, innovative, safe and competitive hydrogen industry that benefits Australia’s communities and economy, enables our net zero transition, and positions us as a global hydrogen leader.2 The Strategy recognises that hydrogen has the potential […]

Australia’s Privacy Act Reforms – The beginning but (hopefully) not the end

“The Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 is a significant step forward for Australian privacy law. It begins the much-needed work of updating our privacy laws to be fit-for-purpose in the digital age.” The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, Second Reading Speech, 12 September 2024 There is no question that Australia’s Privacy Act is […]

New Energy Bulletin: Guarantee of Origin Bill Introduced to Parliament

On 12 September 2024, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water introduced the new landmark Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin) Bill 2024 into the Australian Parliament. This proposed legislation will establish the voluntary Guarantee of Origin (GO) scheme which is designed to track and verify the attributes associated with low-emission […]