Hamilton Locke Assists Botanical Water Technologies in Contracting with Fujitsu to Develop a Blockchain Water Trading Platform

Hamilton Locke is delighted to have assisted Botanical Water Technologies on a recent transaction with Fujitsu regarding the development of a first of its kind blockchain water trading platform. Botanical Water Technologies (BWT) in a world-first, has discovered a new sustainable and renewable source of potable water utilising award-winning globally patented technology that harvests the […]

M&A Insights (September 2022) – Australian Health and Aged Care Sector

Background This M&A Insights briefing paper provides a brief overview of M&A activity in the health and aged care sector (particularly for private equity firms and their portfolios) in the 2021/22 financial year, a summary of the proposed key legislative and policy changes affecting the sector and some thoughts on the path ahead for market […]