Navigating AI Regulation in Australia and Beyond: What Corporate Leaders and Organisations Need to Know
With the ongoing rapid adoption and development of AI-driven technologies, lawmakers are continuing to sharpen their focus on the appropriate approach to ensure the safe and responsible development of AI. In this article, we explore recent developments in AI regulation in Australia against the backdrop of ongoing international activity. We also discuss the key steps […]
Five Key Constraints on Australia’s Offshore Wind Industry Supply Chains
Australia will not establish a viable offshore wind industry until key supply chain constraints are addressed. Presently, macroeconomic forces on supply chains are compromising the industry’s growth and profitability.1 In this article, the first in a two-part series, we address five key constraints on offshore wind industry supply chains in Australia. From Euro- and China-centric supply […]
Capital Gains Tax Regime Changes for Foreign Investors in Renewable Energy Assets
Treasury has released a consultation paper on the changes to the foreign resident capital gains tax (CGT) regime which were introduced by the Australian Government as part of the 2024-25 Federal Budget. The consultation paper states that the changes are aimed at ensuring foreign residents pay their fair share of tax in Australia, and to […]